¡Hooola! ¿Cómo estás? Let´s have a look at the conjugation of regular -ir verbs in Spanish in present tense. It is important to remember that in Spanish, verbs have a stem (or root) and an infinitive ending.
If the infinitive of the verb ends in -ir, it means the verb belongs to the third conjugation. And how do we conjugate regular -ir verbs? Well, it´s actually quite easy. All you need to do is to drop the -ir and add the following endings to the stem: -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en.
Here is the present tense of the regular -ir verb escribir (to write):
yo escribo (I write)
tú escribes (you write)
él escribe (he writes)
ella escribe (she writes)
usted escribe (you write) – formal, singular
nosotros/as escribimos (we write)
vosotros/as escribís (you write) – informal, plural
ellos escriben (they write)
ellas escriben (they write)
ustedes escriben (you write) – formal, plural
Let´s see the most common -ir verbs in Spanish:
– abrir – to open
– vivir – to live
– escribir – to write
– subir – to go up, climb
– existir – to exist
– describir – to describe
– decidir – to decide
– compartir – to share
– permitir – to allow, to permit
– recibir – to receive

I have prepared a PDF with conjugation of regular -ir verbs and a list of the most common -ir verbs in Spanish. All the beautiful clipart used in the PDF is from Flaticon.
Please feel free to download a copy for your students or your personal use. I hope you will enjoy the resource as well as other printable or interactive activities to study, teach or practice Spanish grammar.
Let´s practice what we have learned so far. Below you will find some interactive activities to practice the most common -ir verbs in Spanish as well as conjugation.
Enjoy and have fun! ¡Disfrútalo!
1 Vocabulary matching
2 Conjugation endings
3 Conjugation practice 1
4 Conjugation practice 2
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